Product Update Weekly Report: Overview of July 2, 2022 Update

Dear user,

Thank you for your continuous support and trust in our product. I would like to report to you the progress of our work for this week.

Throughout this week, our team has been dedicated to enhancing the quality and performance of our product. Here is a summary of our work:

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with saving changes to the download directory: We have resolved the problem of saving changes to the download directory after modification to ensure that user-set download directories are saved correctly.
  • Fixed the problem of uploading empty folders: We have addressed the issue that occurred when attempting to upload empty folders, and now users can upload folders without any issues.
  • Fixed layout issues when the playlist is too long: We have corrected layout issues caused by excessively long playlists, improving the overall user experience.
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  • Optimized the deletion of tasks with simultaneous download and play: We have implemented a feature that reminds users when deleting tasks with simultaneous download and play to prevent accidental deletion when tasks are still playing.
  • Improved player smoothness: We have made optimizations to enhance the smoothness of the player during video playback.
  • Language optimization for the media library: We have worked on language optimizations for the media library, providing more details in the future.
  • Optimized video ordering on the explore page: We have improved the ordering of videos on the explore page for a better browsing experience.


  • Added the ability to jump to the corresponding download task from the media library using the download button: Users can now conveniently jump to the corresponding download task by clicking the download button in the media library.
  • Introduced a movie rating system: We have introduced a brand new movie rating system to cater to various user preferences and needs.
  • Added a “Back to Top” button: To enhance the user experience, we have included a “Back to Top” button for easy navigation to the top of the page.
  • Implemented the ability to save current location information: Users can now effortlessly save their current location information for quick reference.
  • Added a media library key feature: We have introduced a new feature related to the media library key, and more detailed information will be provided in the future.

We greatly appreciate your feedback and suggestions, as they are invaluable in helping us continually improve our product. We remain committed to ensuring our product meets your needs and provides an enhanced user experience.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you to better serve your needs.

Once again, thank you for choosing our product, and we wish you a pleasant user experience!

Warm regards,


July 2, 2022
